These are the newest of the new....
All are for sale unless noted. Email me for prices.
2002 24" X 30" Acrylic on canvas
2003 2 16" X 20" pannels Acrylics on canvas First 2 pieces in a series of 12, hopefuly. (See below for a better picture of the blue face.. it's pretty damned good.)
"Crushed Blue Materialism"
2002 24" X 30" Acyrlics on canvas (sorry, this photographed a little bit blurry)
"Hello There"
2003 36"X24"X1" Acyrlic on Canvas As you can tell, I'm not quite finished with this one, but I should be this week.
2003 16" X 20" Acyrlics on canvas
2003 36"X24"X2" Acyrlic on Canvas, wood, plastic sheeting, glue Layered Painting In the style of 1970's movie poster
"Hey, Bert!"
2002 24" X 30" Acrylics on canvas